thank you note written on yellow paper

How to Say Thank You for a Gift Basket

Receiving a gift basket makes you feel special – often, baskets contain sweet treats and indulgences that you wouldn’t ordinarily splurge on. At The Sweet Basket, we help our clients with gift basket ideas, whether to congratulate the arrival of a new family member or in the workplace as a thank you gift for wonderful coworkers. And while we’re experts at sending thank you gift baskets, we’re also experts on what to do after you’ve received one. The graceful art of a written thank-you never goes out of style.

Top Tips and Thank You Card Ideas


person with tattooed hand holding thank you note envelope

If you’re stuck on how to express your gratitude beyond saying “thank you,” try including a line or two on one of these topics:

  • The type of thank you gift basket you received or a few things inside you especially liked
  • If it’s for a holiday or celebration, mention that, like “thank you for remembering my birthday.”
  • If you received the thank you gift at your office, the note also lets the recipient know the basket was given to you

Always be sure to compliment the contents of the basket, and be specific. You don’t have to list everything in the basket, but pick one or two things to say something nice about.

Examples of Thank You Notes For Gift Baskets

You can use these examples below to create your own or mix and match some of the lines for an authentic tone.

  • Thank you for the lovely gift basket! We enjoyed it because [why you liked it]. The [item] was our favorite because it is hard to find this nearby.

Or, perhaps a client sends you a basket to congratulate you on a workplace accomplishment.

  • Thank you for sending goodies to congratulate me on my recent promotion! It was such a pleasant surprise and so thoughtful of you to send the fresh fruit and dark chocolate gift basket to treat myself with. I look forward to seeing you in my new role soon!

If the sender knows you and your hobbies well, indicate how touched you were that they remembered:

  • Thank you for the gardening gift basket. I’m touched that you remember my green thumb! I love how comfortable the new gardening gloves are, and I’m excited to plant the new flower seeds. I’ll bring you some fresh flowers when they bloom as a thank you gift!

Professional Thank You Etiquette For Businesses

Sending and receiving gift baskets as part of maintaining a positive professional relationship is common. Many companies send thank you gift baskets to their loyal customers. It’s important for recipients at a business to send a thank you note. Thank you notes written by one person and signed by the entire team are sufficient.

You may change the verbiage to indicate that the whole department appreciates the special gift and that it was shared throughout all the recipients, like so:

  • Thank you for sending the holiday gourmet gift basket. We loved the assortment of savory snacks and world beer bucket in the basket. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

Or, if the basket was sent as a congratulation in the workplace, you may write something like this:

  • Thank you for sending the beautiful basket to congratulate us on receiving the Chamber of Commerce Award. We appreciate your thoughtful gift and red wine and could never have achieved our success without the support of clients like you!

Final Thoughts

gift basket with a just for you message

Gift baskets are a perfect appreciation gift to help celebrate a happy occasion or as thank you gifts. At The Sweet Basket, we offer the perfect gift basket and gift delivery for every occasion, from thank you gifts to a wedding or new baby!